If you’re thinking of replacing your current flooring with something new, you might be finding the range of choices somewhat overwhelming. There’s wood flooring, engineered wood flooring, tiles, linoleum, carpet and plenty more on the market.

Wood flooring certainly looks the part, which is why engineered wood flooring could be just the solution you’re looking for.

A recent article for The Upcoming explained what engineered wood flooring is and why it could be the right option for your home. Engineering wood flooring is made up of several layers of real wood and different wood veneers.

You might be wondering why you’d choose this over traditional wood floor, but one of the big advantages to engineered wood flooring is that it retains its beautiful finish and colour for longer than hardwood floors typically do.

According to the news provider, traditional hardwood floors can lose their shine and appear dull in colour over time if they are in continuous use. This isn’t the case with the engineered version.

Keeping engineered wood floors clean is also simple – just sweep and then mop to get rid of dirt. It’s easy to clean up any spillages too, simply use a damp cloth and your floor will be back to its best.

We all know that replacing your flooring is never a cheap undertaking, but engineered wood flooring has an advantage here too. It’s considerably cheaper than hardwood alternatives, which means it’s kinder to your pocket. It’s also easier to replace an engineered wood floor than a hardwood one, so it will make future renovations easier too.

Another major advantage to this kind of flooring is that it doesn’t expand or contract in the heat or cold. Real wood floors can experience this depending on the climate where you live, and the consistency you get from engineered wood flooring is one of its major selling points.

Real Simple offered some ideas of alternatives to hardwood floors earlier this year, noting that there are many affordable alternatives available. They include laminate and vinyl wood flooring.

Engineered wood flooring was also one of the suggestions from the news provider though, which noted that if it’s well looked after, an engineered wood floor should last for at least 20 years.

And if you’re looking for an alternative to wood flooring that you can use in your bathroom, wood tile flooring could be the way to go. Although this looks like wood, it’s actually made of ceramic or porcelain tile. The reason it’s a good option for bathrooms is that wood can warp in warm and humid conditions, whereas tiles certainly won’t.

Elsewhere in the home, however, you may prefer the feeling of engineered wood flooring under your feet. The Upcoming also noted that this kind of flooring is relatively easy to retouch and repair if it gets damaged, which is another thing that it has going in its favour.

If your floor is looking a bit tired, invest in wood floor polishing in Newcastle to bring it back to its best and restore its shine. This can be a great thing to do whether you have hardwood or engineered wood flooring.

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